Update Your Contact Info!


Keeps you connected: Make sure you keep receiving client stories, event invitations, receipts and thank yous.

Gives you access to your giving history: See all of your donations in one place, in real-time.

Allows us to know your communication preferences: Do you prefer text over email? How much mail do you want to receive from us?

Lets us know how you want to be involved: Do you want to be a donor, volunteer, event attendee and/or community partner?

Helps us personalize your experience: Tell us as much or as little as you’d like! We want to be able to send you a birthday card, have someone speak at your organization, and share more about the programs and events you’re interested in.

Better use of funding: In an effort to save on mailing costs, Share is going digital. Donors with an email address on file will receive digital receipts only, unless we are otherwise notified.

Convenient, fast & easy: Once you’ve logged in or created an account on you can easily update your profile, including address, email, phone number and more, at any time.

Email Alexis Allen, Development Coordinator, with any questions.

Your Generosity Helps Our Neighbors

Please consider an online donation today.

Donate Resources

Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.

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