Lincoln Place is permanent supportive housing (PSH). Residents’ rent is subsidized via a project-based voucher through the Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) and residents have access to case management and other supportive services through Share. Referrals for Lincoln Place are made through the Council for the Homeless and property management services are provided by VHA. In addition, PeaceHealth provides regular onsite primary care services and CDM Caregiving Services provides onsite caregiving services.
Residents contribute 35% of their income as payment toward rent and utilities. Engagement in supportive services by residents is voluntary with services meant to promote independent living, positive tenancy, and to facilitate connection to community services which can include healthcare, employment, and recovery services. Studies suggest PSH reduces costs related to incarceration and emergency department and shelter utilization.
Partnership with CDM Caregiving Services
Share’s partnership with CDM helps residents at Lincoln Place and the Women’s Housing and Transition (WHAT) program learn daily living and independence skills. From laundry tips and cooking techniques, to cleaning and organizing, to advocating for medical and health care, to accessing food boxes and prescriptions, to maintaining their units to be safe and habitable—the assistance from the care givers is vast and the results for clients are empowering.

For general information or questions regarding Lincoln Place, please contact Share’s administrative offices at (360) 448-2121. For information regarding accessing housing at Lincoln Place, please contact Council for the Homeless at (360) 699-9677.
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