Share Employment Opportunities

Passionate about helping those in need? So are we.

At Share, our staff is passionate and dedicated to providing vital services to those in our community who face hunger, food insecurity, homelessness, lack of access to affordable housing and more. We’d love your help – come join us!

Work Study Positions for Students

Share works in partnership with Clark College to provide Work Study positions for current students.

Positions include:

  • Case Manager Assistant for Outreach
  • Food Coordinator
  • Office Assistant
  • Shelter Assistant
  • Volunteer Coordinator Assistant

For more information on current Work Study openings, call Molly Evjen (360) 952-8228 or email

Confidentiality & Privacy Policies

The Notice of Privacy Practices is to ensure that all Share Employees and Business Associates preserve the integrity and confidentiality of client protected health information (PHI) consistent with the privacy rules of Washington, the federal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), and under general, professional ethics. This Notice of Privacy Practices also specifies client rights regarding the use of their protected health information (PHI), and to describe and maintain a process for filing a complaint in the event a client feels those rights have been violated.

Your Generosity Helps Our Neighbors

Please consider an online donation today.

Donate Resources

Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.