Share Housing Programs

Share Affordable Housing & Stability Program

Share’s Affordable Housing & Stability program (formerly called ASPIRE) is a coordinated system for providing case management, housing and connection to supportive services in our community for families and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Eligible clients are identified as highly vulnerable due to illness, disability, or lack of sufficient resources to obtain housing.

People served by Share include:
  • minority populations
  • culturally diverse households
  • non-English speaking persons
  • veterans
  • persons with disabilities
  • persons with substance use disorders
  • victims of domestic violence
  • and other vulnerable populations.

Share participates in coordinated entry through the Housing Solutions Center (HSC), and the primary screening criteria for Share’s Affordable Housing & Stability program requires individuals and families to be literally homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness at the time of application. All referrals are from HSC, participants must contact HSC to apply.

The program offers resource education for: employment training, family counseling, debt reduction, budgeting, drug/alcohol abuse, domestic violence, counseling, mental health, education, parenting, life skills, childcare referral, transportation, and any applicable resources a participant may need.

For more information on Share’s Housing Programs, call  (360) 952-8214.

A video highlighting Share’s Housing and Shelter programs, shared by our directors:

  • Women’s Housing and Transition | Winter Hospitality Overflow
  • Share Homestead and Share Orchards Inn (family shelters)
  • Share House (single men)
  • Lincoln Place
  • Affordable Housing & Stability program

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Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.