Share Housing & Essential Needs Program

Share’s Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) program helps ensure that temporary disabilities don’t force people onto the streets, by providing emergency rent and access to some of life’s most basic household and sanitary needs.

Who Qualifies:

The HEN program assists people who qualify through the Department of Social & Human Services and who have been determined to be temporarily unable to work due to a mental health or physical health issue. This program is for single individuals only.

What HEN Provides:

The program can provide support in the form of rent assistance, as well as personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies. There are no cash benefits available.

HEN clients must enter the program through the Housing Solutions Center. To determine if you are eligible, contact the Housing Solutions Center at (360) 695-9677.

The Guidelines will be updated to include the following:

Hotel/Motel Rental Agreements in Allowable Rent Assistance

Grantees may use HEN funds to pay for rent per a rental agreement with hotel/motels for temporarily housing people who are homeless. The hotel/motel room should be considered a short term measure while a more permanent housing solution is identified. The cost should be close to the budgeted amount grantees determined for homeless rents.

Click on the link below to view the complete HEN guidelines:
Guidelines for Housing & Essential Needs Program

Documentation that must be provided by the client:

  • Rental Agreement
  • Lease
  • Certification from friend/family of a payment obligation
  • Pay/Vacate Notice
  • Eviction Notice
  • Certification from friend/family of potential eviction
For more information, please call (360) 954-6149.

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Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.

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