Give With Cheer to Last the Year!
November and December are a time filled with generosity for others in our community. We are grateful to community members and local businesses eager to help us fill our warehouse shelves with new, high-need items to be distributed to our clients through our Move-In Kit and Request for Items program in the coming year!
Purchase New, High-Need Items
Select and purchase a new item (or 2 or 3!) and drop it off during our Warehouse Open Hours at the Share Fromhold. Click here to view our current high-need items.
You can also purchase items online and have them shipped directly to the Share Fromhold Service Center.
Host ‘Make a Home’ Tag Site
‘Make a Home’ tags are an easy way to purchase and donate a high-need item for a child, teen, woman or man in our housing and outreach programs. We can provide you with digital slips or links to our Amazon Charities Share Wish List. Donation drive organizers can share the items list or tags with co-workers and group members.
Click here to learn more about our ‘Make a Home’ tag program.
For more information on High-Need Items or ‘Make a Home’ tag program,
contact Nikki Hanna at (564) 888-0821 (call or text) or
Fill a Food Box or Host a Food Drive
Provide a meal for a family of 4-10, a pantry box for a high school or a food pack for students in transition. Or considering hosting a food drive to fill multiple boxes.
Either way, we can provide you with a list of needed food items — just click here.
For more information, contact Miriam Moreno at

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