
A gift of just $5 will provide a child with a backpack of food, ensuring their weekend is not a hungry one.

Click here to make an online donation today!

Share had its beginnings in 1979 when a group of caring people came together with the common goal of caring for the homeless and hungry in the Vancouver area. We have grown considerably since that time, but our philosophy, values and mission have remained constant in our desire to meet the needs of those that are experiencing homelessness and hunger. And you can help!

Your generous donation will make a tremendous impact on our clients:

  • Your $1,000 donation could provide a month of case management for 3 families in our housing programs.
  • Your $500 donation could provide 250 hot meals to those who would otherwise go hungry.
  • Your $250 donation could provide three months of food support for five children in our Backpack Program, thus ensuring their weekend is not a hungry one.
  • Your $100 donation could provide two days of shelter, food, and access to shower and laundry facilities through our Women’s Housing and Transition program.
  • Your $50 donation could provide a Welcome Home Kit to a family moving into transitional or permanent housing.


Donate By Check:

You can also send a contribution by check by mailing your donation to: Share, 2306 NE Andresen Road, Vancouver WA 98661

Share is a 501 (c) 3 non-profitFederal Tax ID # 91-1205119

Share relies on the generosity of our community – individuals, churches and businesses – for the continued operation of our valuable programs. Every dollar your give makes a difference in the lives of men, women and children in our community. As a good steward of your gifts, we are happy to report that 84¢ of every dollar goes directly to our clients.

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Your Generosity Helps Our Neighbors

Please consider an online donation today.

Donate Resources

Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.