Share wants to be part of a community that brings about change.
Diversity, equity and inclusion remain at the forefront of our work. Our mission statement opens with this line: Share believes that every person counts.
We find this to be imperative and reflective of who we are and what we believe. As an organization, we ask ourselves how we can both dismantle inequitable systems, while focusing on sustainable solutions for our clients who must access housing, health care, education and employment systems today.
Our mission motivates and inspires our vital work each and every day, as we continue to support those in need and make our community home for all.
The vast racial disparities in those experiencing homelessness and poverty are also stark examples of historic inequity and unacceptable indifference to BIPOC communities. Too often being homeless is considered a personal or a moral failing. However, homelessness should be understood as a failure of our system to implement the right to affordable housing and to restore justice and dignity to those for whom it matters most.

A diversifying client base.
Clark County, WA is home to a population of 521,150 people of which 75% identify as white/non-Hispanic and 25% identify as people of color.*
BIPOC communities continue to account for a disproportionate percentage of people in need of shelter, housing and meal services.
In the 2023 Point in Time Count conducted by Council for the Homeless, 31% of those experiencing homeless identified as people of color.+
2023 Statistics

+ 11% Hispanic/Latinx, 9% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 5% Multiple Races,
7% Black/African American, 3% American Indian/Alaska Native, 1% Asian
United States Census Bureau
2023 Statistics

Note: Share’s client information is tracked in the Service Point database. Data in the chart above represent an unduplicated account of clients from Share’s Outreach, Shelter, Prevention, RRH and PSH programs. Share’s Hot Meals, Backpack and Summer Meals programs are not represented in this data.
Increased staff and board diversity remains vital.
Lived experiences and perspectives provide knowledge and ideas, building trust amongst employees and staff. We know we need to do more and are committed to continuing our efforts to hire, support and engage a diverse staff.

Share’s E-Team
Share’s E-Team works together to acknowledge, strategize, and propose solutions that create a more equitable, safe, and inclusive environment for Share’s clients, staff, volunteers, and community. It focuses on the organization’s procedures, processes, and policies to integrate Share’s value of equity into its services and programs.
- E-Team membership is capped at 12; current membership is 10.
- 31% of members (4 people) are BIPOC.
- 54% of members (7 people) are client-facing staff.
- E-Team meets the 4th Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
- Non-members are encouraged to attend meetings and participate team efforts.
* Committee information as of October 2022.
How are we doing?
We welcome feedback or questions about how to find support or get involved. Contact Brianna Kinsey at or (360) 210-6462.