March’s most needed item of the month is … menstrual products, including pads, menstrual cups, tampons and period underwear.
Those who are experiencing homelessness or living in low-income households are at increased risk of serious health issues, challenges in cleaning clothes during their menstrual cycles and general dehumanization due to a lack of access to menstrual products.
Having a monthly period is a time of high anxiety. Menstrual products cannot be purchased with food stamps and are expensive.
Donations of these items can be dropped off at the Share Fromhold Service Center, 2306 NE Andresen Road, during our Open Warehouse Hours:
Tuesdays: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Thursdays: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Like to plan ahead? Here is a complete list of high-need items by month.
If you’d like to host a drive, please contact Alexis Allen at aallen@sharevancouver.org.
- January: Canned soup & chili
- February: Hair care & accessories for BIPOC clients
- March: Menstrual products
- April: Tents, tarps & sleeping bags
- May: Food for Backpack program
- June: Travel-sized toiletries
- July: Bottled water & sports drinks
- August: Back-to-school supplies
- September: Snack foods for Backpack program
- October: Socks, underwear, diapers & wipes
- November: Sweatshirts, sweatpants & raincoats
- December: Give with Cheer Wish List