Throughout the year, local organizations and businesses host community events and donation drives to benefit Share. Below is a list of upcoming events.
If you would like more information on organizing a community fundraising event to support Share, please contact Sue Warren, Development Director at or 360-952-8227.
Use of the Share logo requires written approval. Please read the Share Logo & Usage Guidelines before using the Share logo or requesting permission to use the logo. Requests can be e-mailed to
Revive Espresso & Tea Food Drive
From Oct. 21 to Nov. 8, as an added bonus for their customers, Revive Espresso & Tea will be giving a $.50 discount for two items of non-perishable food donated to Share (only one discount per vehicle, not to be combined with other offers ). Locations: Brush Prairie, 9810 NE 117th Ave.; Hazel Dell, 610 NE 99th St.; City Center, 2711 NE Andresen Rd.

Join Share & Whole Foods for a Taste of Thanksgiving Event!
Thurs. Nov. 7 • 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Whole Foods Market–Mill Plain, 815 SE 160th Ave.
Whole Foods Market–Mill Plain invites you to taste a fabulous array of seasonal specialties. Guests will sample a menu including everything from their full holiday meal to wine and dessert. Event passports can be purchased at Whole Foods–Mill Plain in person or by phone: (360) 253-4082.
$5 per plate (adults & children)
100% of Passport Sale Proceeds Benefit Share.

“Books for Kids” Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive: Nov. 1 to Dec. 31. The Barnes & Noble Vancouver store, 7700 NE Vancouver Plaza Drive, will be hosting a book collection drive for children (ages 0-18) on behalf of Share. Donated books will be used to establish libraries at our family shelters, plus books will be given to children through our ASPIRE and Backpack programs. A donation box (look for a Share sign above the box) will be located near the cashier’s desk at Barnes & Noble. If you would like to donate a gently-used book, please deliver those to the Share Fromhold Service Center, 2306 NE Andresen Road.

Burgerville Toy, Clothing & Food Drive: Nov. 1 to Dec. 10. At all Vancouver Burgerville locations (except Thurston Way, for locations) a toy, clothing and food drive will be held to collect gifts for our Holiday Cheer Program and annual Holiday Party. A Giving Tree will also be placed at each location with gift tags listing needed and ‘wish list’ items for clients. Donated items can be placed in marked barrels at each location. New and gently-used items are welcome.

Mattress Pro’s 5&5 Program Benefits You & Share!
You and your family eat right and get exercise. But are you sleeping well? New studies indicate that sleep is as beneficial as diet and exercise to your overall health and wellness. At Mattress Pro, Vancouver’s best “Neighborhood Owned” mattress store, they recognize that sleep is one of the three foundations of health along with good nutrition and exercise. Their philosophy and passion is helping you get a better nights sleep to improve your health and quality of life.
Throughout 2013, they are offering a 5% discount on all of their products and will also donate 5% of the sale to Share. A great community partnership for both our organizations! Click below for a coupon for receive your 5% discount:
5% Discount Coupon to Mattress Pro

PB&Joy Project is collecting donations of 18 oz. plastic jars of peanut butter for Share’s Backpack Program. PB&Joy is a project sponsored by the Junior Joy Team (kids ages 6-12), who wrap the peanut butter jars with positive, encouraging messages. Donations of peanut butter (18 oz or 16.3 oz plastic jars only) can be dropped off at Marshall Community Center or Firstenburg Community Center. Visit for more information or to donate on-line.
Watch a KOIN interview with the PB&Joy organizers.

Stand Realty: 25% of Each Commission Benefits Local Non-profits
In the market for a new home? Stand Realty is a team of experienced and professional real estate brokers who take the representation of their clients very seriously. And, they donate 25% of every commission earned to the local charity or non-profit organization of their client’s choice. Please consider Stand Realty for your next home purchase and you can direct a 25% commission fee to benefit Share.
Learn about simple ways you can help make a real difference in people’s lives.